565 research outputs found


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    This bibliometric study addresses the importance of endpoint security in companies, considering the growing use of information technologies, both in business and personal use. It highlights the need to protect endpoints such as computers, mobile devices, servers, and IoT devices. Endpoint security encompasses measures such as monitoring the files and binaries on and running on the machine using antivirus, data encryption, and threat detection solutions. The literature review highlights the importance of terminology and best practices, highlighting the application of graph-based approaches to strengthen security in medical information networks. Tools such as EDR are cited as essential, especially for small and medium-sized companies. The study emphasizes the importance of business continuity in the face of cyber threats, highlighting the role of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and frameworks. It takes a bibliometric approach, using a specific database to collect bibliometric data on scientific publications published between 2017 and 2023. As a basis for the study, the words “cybersecurity”, “endpoint security”, “business continuity”, and “business” were used. Various analyses of bibliometric results are also presented, including the number of publications by type of document, the scientific journals with the highest number of publications, the countries with the highest number of publications, the number of publications per author, the most cited articles, and the occurrence of identified keywords.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Bibliometric Analysis on Cyberspace Security - NIS Directives

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    The impact of security in cyberspace has been increasing, motivating companies to reconsider their security strategies. In addition, people from various countries who are aware of this growth are seeking to present studies in various journals that allow them to identify elements that contribute to the consolidation of the concept of security in cyberspace. With this reality in mind, this study, supported by a bibliometric analysis of security in cyberspace based on articles published in the last eight years, aims to analyze the evolution of scientific research, identify the most influential scientific publications on topics related to cyberspace security, and detect research opportunities in the field. The study also discusses the implementation of the legal framework for security in cyberspace and the NIS Directive, aspects that European companies should consider in their cybersecurity strategy. The study's conclusions highlight the multifaceted nature of cybersecurity challenges and the need for a holistic and collaborative approach to strengthening digital resilience, with an emphasis on promoting a culture of awareness encouraged at the organizational and social level by policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The main objective was to examine the trajectory of scientific research in this domain, identify the most influential publications related to cybersecurity in autonomous vehicles and pinpoint research opportunities, supported by the PRISMA method. Additionally, the study explores cybersecurity themes in autonomous vehicles, emphasizing the significance of concepts like blockchain, machine learning, and deep learning essential in formulating business strategies. Furthermore, the research identifies influential scientific publications, predominant journals, the most productive countries, and authors with the most publications on cybersecurity in autonomous vehicles. It identifies research opportunities organized into two distinct clusters to provide a comprehensive understanding of the current state of research in this field and offer insights for companies and academics interested in contributing to future advancements in the cybersecurity of autonomous vehicles. The article demonstrates that cybersecurity is a fundamental area for the development and implementation of secure and reliable autonomous vehicles.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    This bibliometric study addresses the importance of endpoint security in companies, considering the growing use of information technologies, both in business and personal use. It highlights the need to protect endpoints such as computers, mobile devices, servers, and IoT devices. Endpoint security encompasses measures such as monitoring the files and binaries on and running on the machine using antivirus, data encryption, and threat detection solutions. The literature review highlights the importance of terminology and best practices, highlighting the application of graph-based approaches to strengthen security in medical information networks. Tools such as EDR are cited as essential, especially for small and medium-sized companies. The study emphasizes the importance of business continuity in the face of cyber threats, highlighting the role of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and frameworks. It takes a bibliometric approach, using a specific database to collect bibliometric data on scientific publications published between 2017 and 2023. As a basis for the study, the words “cybersecurity”, “endpoint security”, “business continuity”, and “business” were used. Various analyses of bibliometric results are also presented, including the number of publications by type of document, the scientific journals with the highest number of publications, the countries with the highest number of publications, the number of publications per author, the most cited articles, and the occurrence of identified keywords.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    The impact of security in cyberspace has been increasing, motivating companies to reconsider their security strategies. In addition, people from various countries who are aware of this growth are seeking to present studies in various journals that allow them to identify elements that contribute to the consolidation of the concept of security in cyberspace. With this reality in mind, this study, supported by a bibliometric analysis of security in cyberspace based on articles published in the last eight years, aims to analyze the evolution of scientific research, identify the most influential scientific publications on topics related to cyberspace security, and detect research opportunities in the field. The study also discusses the implementation of the legal framework for security in cyberspace and the NIS Directive, aspects that European companies should consider in their cybersecurity strategy. The study's conclusions highlight the multifaceted nature of cybersecurity challenges and the need for a holistic and collaborative approach to strengthening digital resilience, with an emphasis on promoting a culture of awareness encouraged at the organizational and social level by policymakers, industry leaders, and researchers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    A comunicação interna organizacional é um fator preponderante no aumento da integração da informaçõe e dos colaboradores. Descreve-se uma pesquisa sobre dificuldades e desafios da comunicação interna de um pólo do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Triângulo Mineiro (IFTM). A metodologia utilizada foi o estudo de caso, com análise de dados qualitativa. Recorreu-se a entrevistas semi-estruturadas aos responsáveis da área de comunicação dos nove Campus da Instituição e Reitoria, sujeitas a análise de conteúdo. Os resultados identificaram dificuldades relacionadas aos fluxos, barreiras físicas e hierárquicas, rumores, e principalmente a falta de uma cultura de comunicação, que impedem uma comunicação interna eficiente. Foram propostas ações estratégicas visando melhorar os processos comunicativos e o fortalecimento da comunicação interna.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Stress, anxiety and depression in dental students: Impact of severe acute respiratory syndrome-coronavirus 2 pandemic

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    Introduction: With the emergence of COVID-19, dental medicine students were faced with a new reality, as a modification of the learning methods in Dentistry colleges happened. The aim of this study was to characterise the possible effects of Covid-19 pandemic in terms of anxiety, depression, and stress among students of dentistry. Matherials and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted between October 2020 and May 2021. A total of 1115 participants from a total of approximately 3000 students from the seven university institutions that teach the master's degree in dentistry in Portugal, agreed to participate. An online self-reported questionnaire was applied through Google Forms® platform. The questionnaire was divided in three sections: the students' sociodemographic characterisation, pedagogical aspects, and questions about anxiety, depression, and stress using the Depression, Anxiety, and Stress-21 Scale. Results: Normal levels of anxiety, depression, and stress, were found in 41%, 36.7%, and 22.7% of the participants, respectively. Being female was the most significant and strong predictor of anxiety and stress, and for depression, not feeling fulfilled in the course they were in was the most significant variable. Conclusion: The participants presented high values of anxiety, depression, and stress, during the pandemic state. Gender and not feeling fulfilled in the course were important predictors. © 2022 The Authors. European Journal of Dental Education published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd


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    Abordamos o ensino das ciências em educação pré-escolar, a relevância e significância do tema para alunos e professores desse nível de ensino. O estudo realizado segue uma metodologia de investigação-ação e partiu dos seguintes desafios: aproximar as crianças da comunidade científica, motivando-as para aprender ciência. As variáveis estudadas foram: interesse; envolvimento; discurso e uso de termos; aplicação prática. A partir das respostas dos alunos elaboraram-se atividades, mediu-se o envolvimento, observaram-se e trataram-se os dados. Os resultados obtidos sugerem que o ensino das ciências é benéfico e de fácil aplicabilidade, quando parte de assuntos quotidianos. Permite que as crianças desenvolvam aspetos matemáticos, linguísticos e de conhecimento do mundo. Palavras-chave: educação pré-info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio


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    O presente trabalho analisa as relações entre a liderança transacional, a liderança transformacional e os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional numa empresa ramo decoração têxtil. Para a realização do estudo contou-se com a participação de 32 sujeitos, os quais responderam a um questionário que se debruçava sobre os Comportamentos de Cidadania Organizacional, a Liderança Transacional e Transformacional e algumas questões sociodemográficas. Os resultados obtidos evidenciam que existe uma relação significativamente positiva entre os estilos de liderança estudados e os comportamentos de cidadania organizacional. Quanto maior for a manifestação de comportamentos de liderança transformacional e transacional nos indivíduos desta empresa, maior será a promoção de CCO. A virtude cívica, o desportivismo e a cortesia são as dimensões que apresentam a relação mais consistente com ambos os estilos de liderança.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Experiência da aplicação do plano de segurança da água na Águas do Cávado, SA

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    A 3ª Edição das Guidelines for Drinking Water Quality, da Organização Mundial de Saúde, contém recomendações que incorporam novos conceitos de avaliação e gestão de riscos para aplicação ao processo de produção e fornecimento de água para consumo humano. Nessas recomendações é proposta uma forma prática e estruturada de aplicar aqueles conceitos à realidade dos sistemas de abastecimento de água através da implementação de “Planos de Segurança da Água”. Com esta nova metodologia pretende-se operar uma mudança na abordagem dos mecanismos de controlo de qualidade da água, do actual processo de monitorização de conformidade de “fim-de-linha” para um processo de gestão de segurança de todo o processo, desde a fonte de água bruta até aos pontos de consumo. A empresa Águas do Cávado S.A. elaborou o seu Plano de Segurança da Água para o Sistema Multimunicipal de Abastecimento de Água à Área Norte do Grande-Porto, com base numa abordagem de avaliação de riscos, identificando pontos de controlo críticos, estabelecendo acções correctivas e planeando as instruções necessárias ao funcionamento do Plano, tanto em situações de rotina como em situações de eventos excepcionais. Durante um ano desenvolveu-se uma experiência-piloto onde se testaram procedimentos e se ganhou maior sensibilidade na aplicação desta nova metodologia de controlo de qualidade da água. O presente trabalho reporta os principais resultados obtidos a partir da experiência adquirida na implementação de PSA na empresa Águas do Cávado S.A., sendo apresentado um conjunto de ensinamentos sobre as vantagens e dificuldades encontradas na sua aplicação prática